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WIRED vs. WIRELESS Security Cameras | Infographic

Wired Verses Wireless Security Cameras Infographic -  Comparing the 2 types of security cameras. Installation - Wireless systems are quick and easy to install. They do not require any network wiring. Wired systems are more difficult to install and requires drilling holes. For most a professional will need to be hired for this. Security - Wireless systems are vulnerable to hacking both locally and remotely. Further steps can be taken to secure wireless systems but require additional work and could be costly. Wired systems are much more secure and significantly reduce hacking risks. While they can be hacked, this is much more difficult than a wireless system. Image quality - Wireless systems are unable to support high quality images. Lower resolution is required to transmit images. Consideration is needed due to future technology producing higher quality images in more detail. Wired systems have network based cameras that don't need to sacrifice image resolution for transmitting purposes. Achieve high quality and very detailed images instantly. Flexibility - Wireless systems. While cameras are easy to modify and can be placed almost anywhere they are limited due to the need for power. Whether outlet or battery, this limits their capability and requires future checks to ensure proper function. Wired systems. Adding more cameras is not as simple as wireless but is very possible and can even be planned for at the initial design phase. Cameras don't need to be mounted near a power source either so you can place them where they're needed most. They are also rich in features and other options.

Comparing the 2 types of security cameras. Installation - Wireless systems are quick and easy to install. They do not require any network wiring. Wired systems are more difficult to install and requires drilling holes. For most a professional will need to be hired for this. Security - Wireless systems are vulnerable to hacking both locally and remotely. Further steps can be taken to secure wireless systems but require additional work and could be costly. Wired systems are much more secure and significantly reduce hacking risks. While they can be hacked, this is much more difficult than a wireless system. Image quality - Wireless systems are unable to support high quality images. Lower resolution is required to transmit images. Consideration is needed due to future technology producing higher quality images in more detail. Wired systems have network based cameras that don't need to sacrifice image resolution for transmitting purposes. Achieve high quality and very detailed images instantly. Flexibility - Wireless systems. While cameras are easy to modify and can be placed almost anywhere they are limited due to the need for power. Whether outlet or battery, this limits their capability and requires future checks to ensure proper function. Wired systems. Adding more cameras is not as simple as wireless but is very possible and can even be planned for at the initial design phase. Cameras don't need to be mounted near a power source either so you can place them where they're needed most. They are also rich in features and other options.

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